Yesterday me and the girls went out to Sunway Pyramid.
We took a bus this time.
We took a bus this time.

Had breakfast at Itallianies.
Mmm. Grape shake. :)
Mmm. Grape shake. :)

Walked around, shopped then went to Bubba Gump to have dessert and chill for a bit.

Later that night, went to cousin's place to celebrate his birthday.
Joshua is his name. (:
Joshua turned 21 yesterday.
& Joshua doesn't like smiling in pictures.
He'll be smiling off camera but as soon as it's picture taking time and he hears "cheese" or "three" he'll try to not smile its almost like he's trying to force out a frown. :P

Before we sang the birthday song, we prayed for him.
Here's papa praying. Hee.

Yes. The New Year. :B