Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Gross me out will you?

Miki's gross. She just is.
So is this girl?? in my class.

Since Miss.I'm-gonna-steal-Beatrice's-phone decides to take what belongs to me just to store up my memory card with her cam whore pictures, I guess she got what she deserved today.
What goes around, comes around girl.
That reminds me, she still owes me money for she F 'ed up my phone.
Have to thank her though. It was interesting how a girl's?? armpits can sweat out yellow liquid. ew.
She had the whole class laughing. Chrysanthemum tea anyone?
Oh i'm mean. *smirks*
Anyways, exam results turned out as expected.
Nothing much today.

And yes. I blogged just to bitch.
Toodles. :)

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