(An unintelligent girl with low self-esteem that will do anything for attention and the approval of others.)
Ugh. Sorry but I just had to. Hee.
Here's a video by KevJumba
In case you've never heard of him he is sort of a well known comedian? in youtube.
(He just posted this video up 7 hours ago and had like 72060 views already. Like Whoa?)
This video is pretty hillarious. Haha.
The look on his dad's face cracks me up every. single. time.
Girls are like M&M's
Sorry just doesn't come close for me to forgive but I'll still give you another shot.
But my,God you're so wrong if you were to even think that I'll put up with just one more lie of yours.
You owe me big time dear.
And I seriously do mean what I said this time.
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