Monday, February 14, 2011

Two drifters, off to see the world. There's such a lot of world to see.

Kicking back after a long day of walking uphill and catching buses. Chilling with the roommate at the end of the day, watching Breakfast at Tiffany's on Valentine's eating Rocky Road chocolate having a dog on the lap and the another laying on feet. Heading out to the city and getting back pass 10, walking in heels up the steep street back home looking up to see the starry night, cool breeze blowing through the hair, humming our way back home. Having a jog around the park in the windy and sunny afternoon. Waking up to "Girls, breakfast is ready!".  :P
Are things different? Yes they are.
This is definitely a new change of lifestyle. 
I'm fortunate enough to live with cool individuals that I can click with.
Tracy, Theobe and "somerandomguy" ;) kidding.
I love being able to rely on buses and how convenient it is to use the public transportation.
Sharon you're right!
People here are friendlier. Or at least they pretend to be.

However, there isn't one moment that passes where I don't miss my friends back home.
John, Mum, Dad.
I've yet to fully settle in.

Today was orientation day.
Hmm... you would think that the students here could at least hold a conversation in Engrish. 
I was shocked. Many couldn't. Majority spoke Mandarin and Cantonese.
I am so far the only Malaysian I know. Haha. How about that?
I've officially met the biggest people and the biggest nerds.
Sitting together they are sober but they are acting like they are drunk snorting away and joking about their sandwiches that they had. Making odd statements that silenced the entire class making the situation awkward. I found it rather amusing at first but then having to be surround by hundreds of 'em speaking pretty much every language but english. 
 Haha. But I am good! Yep. Yep.
Just so you know, I LOVE YOU GUYS BACK HOME!  

1 comment:

Sharon Q said...

i miss you too.

glad to know you're doing alright there. friends you stay with sound nice to be with. good for you. LOL to the students at your college. Must be hard trying to communicate...but at least you speak better mandarin that i do. :/ and omg, i love nerds! especially those dorky ones! so cute! *ahem* INTRO please. hahahaha!

super friendly right? we malaysian might find that a little creepy. HAHA!

oh yea, one more thing. Will you be coming home during your breaks?